Monday, March 7, 2011


Sorry it's been forever.  Life has been crazy these past weeks.  I've fully transitioned into 4 10-hr work days, 3 of which I work until 8pm.  Sometimes it's 4 of the 4 days until 8pm.

Any which way, we were in some desperate need of time together without feeling like it was already bedtime!

So, that's exactly what we did.  Back at Christmastime we bought each other a one-night stay at a B&B in a small town called Stillwater, just under an hour away from home.  We dropped off the dog at doggy daycare and headed out, enjoying scenery, picture-taking, a "fireplace" (okay, it was a flame and fake wood, but it was still nice!), massive portions at the local Mexican eatery, and so much more!

Here's the proof (it's in the pudding!) of our little getaway, done Hipstamatic style, my new favorite iPhone app which makes even me look like a capable photogrpher!

Go here!

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